Place of Kai
iSocialPR researches the products that I sell and creates posts the way I would if I have time but with better results.
Kalah Harris – @PlaceofKai
Place of Kai
Place of Kai focuses on
providing herbs, crystals, spiritual sprays and candles to help enhance the spirituality
of others.
Problem: Before launching Place of Kai’s products was featured on a popular YouTuber’s channel. They received an influx of orders without any established platform to process them.
Solution: iSocialPR was able to create their social media pages and create social media posts to introduce people to their brand. Beyond that, iSocialPR was able to streamline their order system on social media so that they could easily and seamlessly process hundreds of orders within a short period of time.
30 day Check- in
Total post impressions increased by 544%
56,000 Interactions brought to the page by hashtag usage alone
Profile views averaged around 500 per week